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How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose1

Here's an organization I would recommend:
(1) passionate hook;
(2) segué to your background in the field;
(3) specific classes by title and professors you have had (especially if well-known in the field);
(4) related extracurricular activities (especially if they hint at some personal quality you want to convey);
(5) any publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings);
(6) explanations about problems in your background (if needed);
and (7) why you have chosen this grad school (name one or two professors and what you know of their specific areas or some feature of the program which specifically attracts you).

I should probably expand on item 7. This is a practical issue as well. If you are applying to ten grad schools, it's a mismanagement of time to write ten separate, tailored statements of purpose. Items 1 through 6 above can be exactly the same for all the statements. Then when you get to item 7, put in a different paragraph for each school.


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  1. A "hook" that demonstrates your passion for the field
  2. Segué to your background in the field.
  3. Description of your academic background in the field
    • Specific classes you have taken, given by name
    • Specific professors you have had, especially if well-known in that field
  4. Extracurricular activities in the field
  5. Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings)
  6. Explanations about problems in background (if needed)
  7. Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school
    • Mention one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their work...more
    • Specific features of the grad program which attract you
      • 目标项目的课程设置很适合我。
      • 目标项目的就业服务很好。
      • 目标院系的地理位置很好(结合职业发展或科研机会)。
      • 目标院系的科研氛围很吸引我。
      • 目标大学的图书馆、超算...等设施很吸引我。

Your work so far (piece all sections together so you can copy and paste to local file or save it using the `save` button)


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Piece together all sections first, then you can use the `save` button to save your work constantly now (Safari is currently NOT supported - maybe laterSafari is now supported, as for IE, well ('_ >`), what about it?):

Follow up

  1. Get advice from several of your professors — philosophical advice as well as specific writing advice
  2. Proofread and copyedit; ask friends to proofread and copyedit as well
  3. Keep working on the statement of purpose, even after you have already sent it to school(s) with earlier deadline(s)


[1] How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose, Vince Gotera, English Language and Literature University of Northern Iowa, January 2006

[2] LETTRE D’INTENTION, Université Laval

[3] 研究生动机信或者个人陈述的写作框架, 陈贤杰--灵魂永生 (UID:3662428), http://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2028083&fromuid=3912011