News History


(2021.11) I will be presenting our work "Multi-Stage Graph Peeling Algorithm for Probabilistic Core Decomposition" at the IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2021 conference.
(2021.08) I will be presenting the latest result of our work "Integrative COVID-19 Biological Network Inference with Probabilistic Core Decomposition" at the JSM 2021 conference.


(2020.06) I won the Student Presentation Award at The 2020 Visual and Automated Disease Analytics (VADA) Summer School. The title was "Performing Efficient Core Decomposition on Probabilistic Biological Network".


(2019.12) A long overdue update for the epiGTBN package, version 2.1.0-3, is finally here. I fixed some comments issues and added citation information to our paper.
(2019.12) I will be in Vancouver from 12/15 to 12/16 to attend the Vancouver Machine Learning: Genomics conference.
(2019.08) Our paper Epi-GTBN: an approach of epistasis mining based on genetic Tabu algorithm and Bayesian network has been accepted and published by BMC Bioinformatics. Congratulations on all of my colleagues! It's been tough but we finally came through.
(2019.06) I graduated with `Outstanding Graduates` honor from Huazhong Agricultural University, happy graduation! It has been a jolly good four years.
(2019.06) I successfully defended my bachelor thesis titled Study on Epistasis Mining Approach Based on Genetic Tabu Algorithm and Bayesian Network, which later was rated as excellent.
(2019.06) I successfully defended the concluding report of our project "Maize Carotenoid Gene Mining Based on Bayesian Networks", which later was rated as excellent.
(2019.03) Our paper An Improved Constraint-Based Bayesian Network Learning Method Using Gaussian Kernel Probability Density Estimator received HZAU's 2018 Top 10 Best Research Outcome prize.
(2019.02) Our paper Epi-GTBN: An Approach of Epistasis Mining Based on Genetic Tabu Algorithm and Bayesian Network is currently under review at BMC Bioinformatics.


(2018.12) Our project "Maize Carotenoid Gene Mining Based on Bayesian Networks" was selected one of the 2018 Top 10 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Projects at HZAU and was funded an additional ¥10,000.

(2018.12) I presented the progress of our project "Maize Carotenoid Gene Mining Based on Bayesian Networks" (supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.31601078, the National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates under grant No. 201710504124, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under grant No.2662018JC030) to the evaluation committee at HZAU for review.

(2018.10) I submitted my latest paper Epi-GTBN: An Approach of Epistasis Mining Based on Genetic Tabu Algorithm and Bayesian Network to BMC Bioinformatics.